YES – the form builder allows a wide range of fields to be selected and used in any order. When the form template is published, These fields become part of the database. Fields include but are not necessarily limited to: • Date • Short field descriptions (free text) • Long field descriptions (free text) • Tick box or compliance type fields, yes/no • Drop-down lists – create your own drop-down menus or lists (no limit, fully customizable) • Guide – add links to specific documents, photos, or videos that are used to guide the user to complete each or any field on the form • Attach – image, video, external link, document • Signature panels – for users to sign on screen (completed by, approved by, reviewed by, etc) • Google Maps location geospatial recording There is no limit to the number and types of fields – create and name the field to suit your requirement
A form template is created and published for use. Specific users are authorized to create and edit form templates A template includes a unique identifier at the start of the form that the owner of the template can create. It is an alphanumeric prefix that makes sense to the end user (eg) MDG-#####, and each new form completed is assigned a unique number that is sequential (eg) MDG-0001, then the next form is MDG-0002 and so on. There is a register of all completed forms using that template. These registers can then be filtered and sorted to extract specific information.
Once a template is published it can be shared with specific work groups or users. The user can use their mobile device to complete the form in the field. When the user has mobile or internet coverage, the forms and templates are loaded and available to complete in the field whether they have coverage or not. The device then automatically synchronises with the main database when back in range. The system then allocates unique identifiers and updates the main register in real time when they are back in range.
YES – you can scan or add a document, take a photo or video or other form of evidence using your mobile device and link to the field on the form.
Just like your chat or text strings on your mobile device. You can complete a form and then send it to another user for comment or action. The texts display just like a text string so simple issues or comments can be stored and reviewed at any time.
YES – a user completing a form in the field or on line can add an action or task to another user there and then. The system automatically creates a unique action/task identifier and the assigned user gets a message that they have a new action. Create an action to address an issue in the field to fix a non-compliance or improve an area, aspect or item.
The user dashboard lists all the forms that they have filled out or their draft forms that they are currently completing / in progress. They are not overwhelmed with too many forms or data – they see what they need to see as part of their role and permissions settings.
The system administrator adds the controlled document to the system and then shares securely within the app.
YES - the system is a fully standalone document control or management system so it could be used company-wide for any key documents and files that need to be shared with other authorised users. Permissions are set to view only or edit where required. Each document is given a unique identifier and has the typical key controls such as version control, owner and expiry (next review).
YES – you can scan or add a document, take a photo or video or other form of evidence using your mobile device and link to the field on the form. Authorised users can create a controlled document from the form and add it to the document library so it is available for other forms (eg) a new supplier operating manual. Documents and evidence do not have to necessarily be a controlled document in the DMS, because it may be a one-off record.
YES – a user can add an action or task to another user from the document in the DMS. The system automatically creates a unique action/task identifier and the assigned user gets a message that they have a new action. Create an action to address an issue in the field to fix a non-compliance or improve an area, aspect or item. These may be related to improving the document or reference.
YES – authorised users with edit rights can add new documents into the document control area so it is controlled for use elsewhere in the system. A user completing a form can still add a document as evidence against the field on the form. This document is evidence only and not necessarily included as “controlled” document – it is evidence only to support the finding on the form (eg) the form may ask “Is there a certificate for this item of equipment?” and the user can take a photo or scan the certificate and attach as evidence.
The list of controlled documents that the user or group of users are permitted to view are listed on the dashboard. This list can be sorted or searched. Not all documents are necessarily shared with users otherwise they get overwhelmed with information. The system administrator shares what they need.
YES – all users can create an action or task and allocate to themselves or other users. Other users receive a message about the action or task – they can reject or accept the allocated action or task. Actions or tasks can be created independently to forms or documents (ie) standalone action register. Alternatively, the user can create an action or task against any field on a form or document.
The system allocates a unique identifier to an action (eg) A-0234, once the action is accepted. Rejected actions can be re-directed to a more appropriate user for review and acceptance. All chats and status of actions is recorded on the database for administrators to track how and where actions are directed, accepted/rejected and closed out.
YES – a user can use the messaging / chat room to discuss any action. This is a very powerful and unique feature of the system. Modern day users are usually very mobile device "savvey" and use chat and messaging very regularly on their devices. So why not use and build on this habit for work purposes:) Photos and videos or other information can be added to the text string to explain what is required or why the action / task was created.
YES – the dashboard displays graphs and lists of actions for the logged-in user. Administrators can view and manage all actions.
YES – the user creates the action on their mobile device and automatically synchronises with the system when they are back in range.