Providing innovative, cost effective, user friendly and “back-to-basics” information management solutions to improve productivity, reduce costs and make it easier for personnel to do their jobs.


On Line Forms and Checklists

Create customised forms that are shared across mutliple workgroups to complete and reference in the field on their mobile devices. Manage registers of completed forms and templates. Take photos and videos for sharing on a completed form. Chat on the messaging application about the form.

Action and Task Management

Create actions and assign to users for completion in the field. Link to forms and documents. Manage action and task registers. Take photos and videos for sharing about the action or task. Chat on the messaging application about the action/task.

Composite Google Map

View completed forms in different locations with a composite Google Map. Visual representation of "hot spots".

Document Management

Share controlled documents in the field on mobile devices. These can be referenced on the forms and included in actions. Chat on the messaging application about the document.

Our Story

HUB Enterprise was born from over 30 years’ experience in managing risk and compliance in the minerals industry. We assisted hundreds of companies from Blue Chip clients such as BHP, Rio Tinto and Newmont to many small clients such as quarries. Large companies had systems that were too hard to use and were not built originally to be mobile in the field. Most personnel would then manage data with spreadsheets or get Apps that did certain functions in the field but were not integrated. Medium sized companies that were growing did not want to spend significant money in information management systems, and make the same mistakes as the large companies. But they needed solutions to improve productivity and meet the ever increasing compliance requirements. Small companies just wanted a simple product that worked in the field. They needed to get smart with compliance management and meet the expectations placed on them by regulators and other stakeholders.


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HUB Software provides simple to use, mobile applications to improve productivity and sharing of critical information. This is through the integrated management of:

  • Documents
  • Forms and
  • Actions/Tasks

The HUB Enterprise platform is not industry constrained – it can be used for any purpose where these basic, inter-connected functions are required. There are many ways to utilise the system – here are some examples of how the system can be used:

Registers of Data

  • Create a log of any type of data that is important to you or your business or industry sector
  • Share the registers with authorised users
  • Provide workflow for these records that is fully mobile and easy to use


  • Conduct compliance checks – internal company requirements and external/legal requirements
  • Rectify any non-conformance or non-compliances

Document Control and Management

  • Document review and approvals
  • Share controlled documents with personnel in the field
  • Link documents to workflow such as action/ task management, audits

Health and Safety

  • Conduct health and safety inspections of work areas
  • Schedule inspections - workplace areas, safety equipment
  • Develop and manage registers (any type)
  • Record events such as:
  • incidents and accidents
  • risk assessments
  • audits
    • Track actions to completion (any source)

    Training and Assessment

  • Training :
    • Online training material – photos, videos, documents of “how to” using the guidance material fields on forms
    • Videos / photos to record on-the-job instructions and training
    • Links to manufacturer or supplier manuals and procedures
    • Links to the company controlled procedures and standards
  • Assessment
    • online questions and answers via forms
    • Recording of assessment activities
    • Work skills and practical experience records
  • Verification of Competencies (VOC)
  • Inductions

  • Asset Management

    • Scheduled maintenance
    • Defect record and repairs
    • photos and videos of BEFORE and AFTER
    • Tests and inspections of plant and equipment
    • Damage to plant and equipment
    • Record equipment failures and Root Cause Analysis
    • Equipment audits
    • Links to operational procedures and checklists
    • Rebuild/modification verification and quality control

    Environmental Management

    • Aspects /Impacts Register
    • Approval Conditions and actions to ensure compliance
    • Monitoring – stations / locations, records, non-compliances
    • Rehabilitation process-checklists,plans, schedule, photo and video recording

    Project Management

    • Project delivery and milestone records
    • Record Inspection Test Plans (ITP’s)
    • Functional specification
    • Equipment and supplier information packs
    • Contractor compliance